


  • Buses to conference dinner venue will depart at 6:45 and 6:55 pm. Where: public bus stop "Université" opposite MIS 10 building. Be on time - buses won't wait!
    Buses back to conference venue at 10pm and 10:45pm
  • Check out last minute changes to the conference programm on the website 


  • Please check the updated programme on the conference website. An updated overview of sessions and papers is available here: > program. Some printed copies available at the help desk.
  • Brilliant idea from our exhibitor Multilingual Matters: book raffle on Friday, during the afternoon coffee break at 3.15pm. How to participate: leave your business card or name and e-mail address at their table in the foyer.

24.8.2022: PhD social gathering: meeting point at 6pm at the help desk. Sorry, only for registered PhDs (no places left!).

24.8.2022: Language Learning Round Table on "Corpora as a resource for second language research and teaching" starts this afternoon at 1.30pm. Discussant Katharina Karges will be replaced by Gabriele Pallotti.

23.8.2022: map to the conference venue: Miséricorde - Google Maps 

22.8.2022: registration is open on Wednesday, 24th August, as of 8am and on Thursday, 25th August morning, as of 8am. You'll find us in the foyer of the main building of University of Fribourg (campus Miséricorde, avenue de l'Europe 20, building MIS 01)

15.8.2022: EuroSLA 31 registration is closed

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